Monday, March 9, 2015

An Abstract on the Ideals of Collectivism vs. Individualism: Photography

Ugandans live in a collectivist society as opposed to an individualist society. What exactly does that mean? To put it crudely and to some controversially, it is what happens when a society takes on tenets of socialism by their own accord, without a government intervention. In fact, it is what happens when people rally together and support one another, quite possibly in retaliation against an oppressive organization. It means other things, too, but that is as far as that needs to be discussed here.

An individualist society, on the other, hand is one in which people don't rally together and function as a whole in the same manner. It is typified by (once again, crudely put) every person fending for themselves and making themselves stand out in the crowd, or to make oneself feel distinct amidst the masses.

This can easily be expanded upon, challenged or otherwise discussed at great length but for right now, consider a parallel in photography. Yes, photography. The great art of capturing glimpses of time in a tangible form. Photography; a copy of reality only to be admired at a later point. The form itself has changed over the years and this change can arguably be understood as a byproduct of the individualist movement of modern society. Consider the following recapitulation: